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Swarm provider

interlook can scan Docker Swarm cluster to detect services that needs to be "published".

The following labels must be setup at service level for interlook to detect them:

  • interlook.hosts: comma separated list of hosts to be published
  • interlook.port: the application's target port
  • interlook.ssl: boolean, indicates if application is ssl exposed

Additional service label(s) can be configured to further filter the interlook scan. This needs to be configured as labelSelector in the configuration.


    endpoint: tcp://
      - l7aas
    tlsCa: /home/michael/dkr/bundle/interlook/ca.pem
    tlsCert: /home/michael/dkr/bundle/interlook/cert.pem
    tlsKey: /home/michael/dkr/bundle/interlook/key.pem
    pollInterval: 5s