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F5 BigIP

interlook can configure the f5 BigIP system for routing the traffic to the containerized application.

Update mode

Config updateMode drives how interlook will update the F5 BigIP.

Two modes are currently supported:

  • vs: for each service, interlook will create/maintain a pool member and its associated pool. The pool members will be the docker host(s) actually running the service's containers.

  • policy: you have to specify a "global" policy that will contain the rules allowing proper traffic routing. Two policies can be specified, one for HTTP services (globalHTTPPolicy) and one for HTTPS services (globalSSLPolicy).

Example of HTTP rule:

Example of HTTPS rule:


    username: api
    password: restaccess
    authProvider: tmos
    httpPort: 80
    httpsPort: 443
    monitorName: tcp
    partition: interlook
    loadBalancingMode: least-connections-member
    updateMode: policy
    globalHTTPPolicy: interlook_http_policy
    globalSSLPolicy: interlook_https_policy
    objectDescriptionSuffix: ""