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Developing an Interlook extension


An Interlook extension must first implement the Extension interface:

type Extension interface {

    Start(receive <-chan service.Message, send chan<- service.Message) error

    Stop() error

The Start method will be used by the core to start the extension. The core will provide a receive and send channels for the exchanged messages.

The Stop method is used to shut the extension down. When invoked, it must make sure that Start method is stopped and return to the invoker.


The configuration is read at interlook startup. The config package must import the extension's configuration object.

Interlook configuration is a yaml formatted file and the Go object is config.ServerConfiguration.

Here is an example for an IPAM IPAlloc extension:

    IPAM struct {
        IPAlloc *ipalloc.Provisioner `yaml:"ipalloc,omitempty"`
    } `yaml:"ipam,omitempty"`

On startup, interlook will start all extensions that are configured in the core.workflow setup. If a configured extension fails to start, interlook will fail to start.

In order to avoid reflexion, the core's initExtensions contains a map of extensions that needs to be enriched with new extension:

    knownExt := map[string]Extension{
        "provider.kubernetes": s.config.Provider.Kubernetes,
        "provider.swarm":      s.config.Provider.Swarm,
        "provisioner.consul":  s.config.DNS.Consul,
        "provisioner.ipalloc": s.config.IPAM.IPAlloc,
        "provisioner.f5ltm":   s.config.LB.F5LTM,
        "provisioner.kemplm":  s.config.LB.KempLM,


Two actions must be supported for incoming messages:

  • add : when core sends such a message, it means the extension must create or update the existing service definition
  • delete: service is being un-deployed, so the extension can delete current definition

Once processed, the message must be sent back to the core using the send channel. If applicable, the service definition can be modified by the extension.

In case of error, the extension must raise it through the Message.Error field.